Where Little Angels become
Beautiful Babies
Producer & Supplier of Reborn Doll Kits & Supplies
Reborn Doll Kits
From all your favorite Sculptors around the World
City of Reborn Angels specializes in bringing to you the Reborn Artist, Blank Vinyl Reborn Doll Kits and Reborn Doll Supplies of the highest quality and standard.
Our Reborn Doll kits feature most of the world's Best Known Sculptors and Reborn Artists.
Please note we do not recommend the heating of vinyl kits in the oven. The vinyl may not always stand heat which increases the risk of weakening or melting the vinyl. It may also cause bubbles to be pushed to the surface of the vinyl. If you choose to heat the vinyl, you do so at your own risk and we are not liable for any damages that may occur.